Sven golly kol
Sven golly kol

sven golly kol

Our host is newly on the wagon, so it will be substance-free. That's about a 180 turnaround from the last two. RP is a very cool place, though the offtopic forum can get a little rough. Well-moderated, though (I think Slack took dB lessons, LOL), and a great bunch of folks. I'd love to have a few more keyboardists there, too. The keyboard forum at RP's a little slow. If you wanna skip RP and the fest and still try to get together, I'm up for that, too - but these guys are just about family, and I don't wanna spend too much time away - only see them 2-3 times a year, and some of them this is the only time. She and her friend stuck around the whole night (cool of them, considering they don't really listen to new country music, so didn't recognize much of our material Hey! we listened to New Country Rock in wild anticipation the whole trip across the 401 (which does not mean a mad dash across 8 lanes of traffic as I initially visualized - must be a local term ). And I did recognize a couple of tunes, before I became hearing and/or mentally impaired. I can't remember what they were! Fortunately all that must've occured before the drummer started in on us, because all I remember is his smile. Funny thing is, when we walked in I assumed the drummer was you! And I thought the bassist was the bouncer.

sven golly kol

Good thing we did stick around.Īll in all, it was just a great way to kick off the holidays, and I thank you for making it all possible. You could join us next time, being a GG, all we need is a SS and I know I'd feel complete - any takers? Geoff, you're making me laugh with the GS and SG thing. I like your analogy to reading a book then seeing the movie. Jeebus - avoid the Something-King restaurant on the south side of College at the corner of Spadina. The fried dumplings were great but it was all downhill thereafter.

sven golly kol

The Loki in "Bart's in Jail" hews closer to Norse mythology.EXtreme Cold-Weather Gear (Superhuman) (+5).The following outfits give (additional) cold resistance when fully equipped: tiny plastic Lord Flameface (Slight) (+1).Pocket Square of Loathing (Superhuman) (+5).Zombo's grievous greaves (Serious) (+3) (Turtle Tamers only).The Necbromancer's Shorts (Serious) (+3).Ol' Scratch's ol' britches (Serious) (+3) (Saucerors only).Greatest American Pants with Super Structure activated (Superhuman) (+5).Loathing Legion pizza stone (Slight) (+1).Dallas Dynasty Falcon Crest shield (Superhuman) (+5).titanium assault umbrella (Slight) (+1).Staff of the Grand Flambé (Superhuman) (+5).Stick-Knife of Loathing (Superhuman) (+5).eXtreme Bi-Polar Fleece Vest (So-So) (+2).conquistador's breastplate (So-So) (+2).īlessed rustproof +2 gray dragon scale mail (So-So) (+2).Hodgman's disgusting technicolor overcoat (Superhuman) (+5).Buddy Bjorn with Bulky Buddy Box, Exotic Parrot, Holiday Log, Pet Rock, or Toothsome Rock enthroned (So-So) (+2).Buddy Bjorn with Flaming Face enthroned (Serious) (+3).Crown of Thrones with Bulky Buddy Box, Exotic Parrot, Holiday Log, Pet Rock, or Toothsome Rock enthroned (So-So) (+2).Crown of Thrones with Flaming Face enthroned (Serious) (+3).The following items give cold resistance when equipped: Cold monsters take double damage from hot and spooky attacks.Cold does normal damage against monsters with any other element type.Cold does a total of 1 damage against monsters with a type of cold.Cold does double damage against monsters with a type of stench or spite the "fine dining" alert circa '82 pasted in the window. Despite originally appearing in Norse mythology, the Loki in most episodes and shorts is mainly based on the character from Marvel Comics.He later impersonates Bart Simpson again and tricks Lisa Simpson into entering the Dungeon of Villains. He is seen in Moe's Tavern during the Disney+ Day celebration. He exclaims that he finally has a functioning family. Loki in Bart's body transforms to his actual form and Homer says good night to him but knowing he is Loki. While Loki in Bart’s body laughs mischievously. Suddenly, he betrays Bart and puts him into his body, Bart (In Loki's body) gets kicked and flung to the sky. However, Lisa comes back with electric power and strength, she then goes back to her house to battle Loki and Bart, with many other superheroes. He turns one pork chop into two for Homer so he worships Loki as a god. Bart says he has the same type of family so Loki joins them at lunch.

sven golly kol

He lands near Bart’s tree house and he asks Bart what it will be like with an abusive father and a perfect brother. Loki gets banished from Asgard again, this time to Springfield, much to his protests. When Sven Golly had been put inside a prison cell, he had controlled Clancy Wiggum and making him think he was Sven Golly, then Sven made Loki appear in the cell, surprising Clancy.

Sven golly kol