Lego the incredibles platforms
Lego the incredibles platforms

lego the incredibles platforms lego the incredibles platforms

Again, this has been an issue on other console versions of the game, simply because of the sheer amount of breakable scenery and elements on-screen, but you’ll eventually become blind to it the more you play. And, thankfully, there's not a microtransaction in sight.įrom a performance perspective, the frame rate can be a little choppy. It’s a tiny addition, but it makes grinding for these collectibles that bit more appealing and the younger players among you will no doubt go crazy for opening those virtual packs. We also like the slight change to collector characters - completing certain objectives in a level and fulfilling challenges in the open-world will net you packets which can be opened with a swish of the left analog stick to empty out a minifig. And the more characters you unlock, the more powers you can use to fly, stretch, freeze and speed your way around the city. These periodic events increase the number of side-quests, and are a great way to farm studs if you’re looking to increase your numbers.

lego the incredibles platforms

These will help you rack up your collections of gold bricks and minifigs, but it’s when the city is taken over by a Crime Wave that things get really fun. The whole urban sprawl is filled with crimes to solve, serving up a plethora or side-quests to complete. It’s in the sandbox of the city and its outskirts where you’ll have your most fun. It’s nothing groundbreaking, but it adds an extra means of utilising teamwork if you’re playing in drop-in/drop-out co-op. The only real new additions here are the new room-clearing Super Moves and the multi-faceted Family Builds, which require you to collect special Incredibricks before hitting ‘A’ repeatedly to fill multiple bars on-screen and construct a giant LEGO build to grant access to a new area or defeat a boss. You’ll break all the scenery for studs, use multiple powers to solve environmental puzzles and smash various foes into pieces along the way. The levels themselves are your usual fare ranging from over-the-top set-pieces (including a motorcycle chase through the city) to more mixes of platforming and environmental puzzles. Its 12 levels are loosely based on the two brilliant Pixar films, with the game following the events of the new sequel first before returning to the ‘Golden Years’ of the 2004 original, but everything is based in the sandbox hub that is Municiberg and New Urbem.

Lego the incredibles platforms series#

Much like most of the games in the series of late, LEGO The Incredibles rarely breaks from the blueprint that’s served it well for so long. With LEGO Dimensions nothing but a brick-based memory, TT Games’ seemingly endless conveyor belt of licensed LEGO games has returned to regular full-game releases, and with its cinematic inspiration now playing in cinemas the world over it’s the turn of the super-powered family of The Incredibles to receive the Danish block treatment.

Lego the incredibles platforms